Monday, May 4, 2009


Shouldnt have lit those socks on fire!

Hello world, its Oliver and i am never on this thing, but I have a mission today to inform the world about the first disc golf course ever set up in China! It is in Quinghuandao, China, about 5 hours east of Beijing and it is epic. Even world class pros would have problems battling all of the Out of Bounds area around the holes. We played so much that the socks that I was wearing were beyond repair, and instead of washing them, we just burned them, smoking out the whole floor. Not the best idea, sorry for gettin you in trouble T-man. We have been in Quinghuandao teaching English and partying it up with Taylor Hankins, one of Josh's friends from school. We essentially answered questions about our trip and about our lives back home. It was really good practice for all of the Q and A sessions that are bound to happen when we get back. We also got invited to a Chinese birthday party in the dorms on think that the Chinese don't know how to party, but they do. They got cards, Pi jiu, and the dirtiest floors on the planet. Mix that with the most epic mix of Chinese pop music and Backstreet Boys greatest hits, and you got yourself an experience.

Tough putt with the bearded one in the background

A solid drive, don't worry I still have both of my legs

Taylor grippin n rippin!

The bearded one tearin it up!!!

Good times had by all!

We traveled back to Beijing and met up with a friend that we made in Nanning. He is a legit slice Canadian bacon, who actually tore my jeans apart and made them into something awesome. We have spent time chillin with the Shoots in Langfang, and have had many great times tearin up the streets of Beijing. Tomorrow Brandon and I will explore the Great Wall while Josh does the scholarly thing and studies his Chinese.

The bros!

Pretty much our life motto...
"No Paint, No Gains"

Some seriously epic shades i found while shopping at the Pearl Market.

Outside the Forbidden City.

Inside the Forbidden City

Brandon, Guard, Chairman Mao

Check out this outfit



Unknown said...

did you lost the disc that i bought you bibeau??

Oliver said...

negative we will post pics of the one you bought us...ITS EPIC