Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Meet Giardia:

This has become a close friend of ours in the past couple weeks. I first heard of this cute little parasite in the infamous Keith Gogan Backpacking Class at ORU. Gogan described it as pretty hellish, and he was very correct. Luckily the medication is cheap and works quickly, but we just found it today. In the meantime, we have learned superior sphincter and esophagus blocking abilities.

It has been a while since we posted, we apologize for that, but we have been busy entertaining some friends in our small intestines. We are currently in Kumning, China and the possibilities are pretty rockin'. We are safe, sound, and hanging with the Great White Buddha (as our host has been nicknamed). Here are some photos from Laos:

Sam = stud...unicycle super star and phenomenal human being

Glorious night at the mighty Me Kong river!!!

After a night at the bus station being harrassed by tuk tuk drivers this is what we woke up to

Paul and family at there Center for Streetkids



Unknown said...

gross! they look like they have eyes!

Unknown said...

Wow.... Seems like you're a pretty busy kid now days.... it's great to see what you're up to! :)