We are in utter need to update our blog! Hanging out with the crew in Nanning China has been such a blast that the internet is boring. And that is quite a statement for a couple of avid facebookers like Oliver and I. Our almost three weeks in this city have totally flew by as we have encountered a community of like-minded and incredibly fun people. The dudes we stay with are all studying Chinese to the max and loving their lives in China. Meeting young westerners that are totally loving every minute of their lives overseas is a new sight for us, but one that really is shaking things up in my mind. Two of the three guys we live are younger then me, but are settled into their lives here in China and have plans to stay long term. We have learned so much from them and are incredibly grateful for their hospitality.
I recently have been nursed back to help thanks to all who were thinking of me! It was a rough couple of weeks but I am totally healthy. Bham! We came to Nanning knowing one guy named JP and knowing only that he skated a lot, and had some crazy stories of living in the jungles of Lao and streets of Toyko. Neither of us have picked up skating or become Rambo, but we have learned to make clothes, navagate Nanning, play Guitar Hero World Tour, enjoy Chinese Barbeque, and live in a balls-to-the-wall community overseas. All very important skills to have, especially the latter.
There are many things that I wish I could write about, but I am afraid that I can't. Many of the lessons I am learning on this trip have been culminating and are going to take a while to process. I am very grateful for my journal these days. Tomorrow morning we will be boarding a train to Beijing. We have made some awesome friends in Nanning and I would love to come back soon!

Olive got his TOM's fixed by a street cobbler! (not as good as blueberry cobbler)

Typical Chinese toddler. Those Chinese are hard workers!

Our best Chinese photo poses.

This is our friend Jade, she is a terrible card player.

A common sight from our time in Nanning: bottomless coffee, cards, and lots of friends.

Oliver got attacked by a electrical metal Chinese fan. Not to worry, his disc skills are nearly unaffected.