Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pillow Talk
Josh- "Dude I hate this"
Josh-"Dude you were that kid at summer camp"
Me- "Of course dude I was MR. Youth Group"
Josh- " No dude you were that kid. You know the kid that i would plays bows and arrows with just long enough to get him to go on the blob with me."
This may be the best fat joke in the history of our friendship. For those of you who do not know me that well, I am, well lets say a lil plump. Anyway watch this video and enjoy a classic scene from the movie Heavy Weights!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Boys Will Be Boys
This next week, we will be traveling to the North of Thailand, leaving Bangkok behind for the last time. It will be weird knowing that we will not be coming back here, as we have made so many awesome connections and have, in a way, made this city home. In the North, we will spend our remaining 3 weeks(ish) traveling around visiting a village(whose name we do not know), Chang Mai, and finally in Chang Rai, before heading on to Laos. It should be a very interesting and packed time. Missing everyone!
Here are some videos that we have finally had the time to edit and post. again like the last video these are not for the squeemish so be ready cause BOYS WILL BE BOYS
spiders taste good!!!
umm i just watched the video for the first time and now realize that youtube decided that the dragonforce audio track wasnt worthy of youtube glory so just put in some headphones and rock out to your fav jam while you watch it!
Now here is what we did in Cambodia with an awesome African named Mordegai!
Teeth beware, cause Joshua Bibeau got to try his hand and toof yankin!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Contagious Toothaches
For those who were concerned during the video, I was very adequately numb, and the hole is closed up. I even chewed some Pad Thai on the left side of my mouth for the first time in around a year. I am keeping the tooth and might put it on a necklace.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
From Spinach Lakes to Garbage Mountians
We have visited many orphanages as well as some important Cambodian historical sites in this past week. The NGO (Non-Government Organization) that Mordegi (our contact) is working with has connections with most every orphanage in
We also got to visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and "The Killing Fields." Visiting these two places really broke my heart for the Cambodian people. I understand a myriad more about the current state of this place. Cultural research is invaluable! I am convinced of this more and more every day. I wish I did more before I left the States! To inform yourself f the bloody past of Cambodia watch the below video and be informed:
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy News, Year?
Anyways, we traveled down to Pattaya. But on the way we stopped by the We stayed up late after the kids passed out and played speed scrabble and Euchre! It was a lot of fun being around people (and teaching them facebook and talking about apple computers) from home even if it was for like 16 hours.
Then it was down to Pattaya. We showed up at this orphanage and it completely broke our hearts what these children have gone through and where they have come from. Pattaya is a much smaller city then
We headed downtown to beat the party crowd, find a guesthouse, and set up our plan for the water bottle distribution center, but ran into some problems. No inexpensive guesthouses were available (who would have thought on New Years Eve in party central,
I may butcher these statistics so please look them up for yourself somewhere (Google it or something),
We met some friends at church and our contact convinced us to just take the car and meet them. We got wildly lost, but Oliver felt like he was back behind the wheel of old Mother Mayleye. Gotta love Toyota Camry hatchbacks (Oliver's 1994 & Mordegi's 1985!)
This is Mordegi, he is one of the most hardcore guys I know. We are living in the upper room in his house and it has been a blast. This is basically what goes on:
Yes, and after some muddin' he sets up a medical clinic in a village, and shares the Gospel. Since we don't know how to do medical stuff, we mostly play with kids and help him get organized:
We even tried to organize a game of baseball (with a stick and what looked like petrified cow dung), we failed, but the kids had a blast.
Oliver and I have this ongoing competition over who's home schools have more apparel in Alright till next time, we love you guys! And please keep praying. And, to our moms...we love you!